Variety Bash Runs: Doing it for the Kids

Variety Bash Runs: Doing it for the Kids

Published by John on 12th Nov 2018

Off-Road Adventures and helping kids? Yes, we can!

Whenever we hear of special events that link some of the things we care the most such as off-road adventures and charity events to help Aussie children in needs, we want to do our part...

Variety is a children charity organization that creates super fun themed events that help to raise funds for children not so lucky.

These events are organized all around Australia but this one will be happening near our doorsteps and we just think it's too super cool not to share:


The Variety Bash is a weeklong adventure with 300 new mates, exploring the dirt roads of NSW and the ACT. Along the way they visit some beautiful country towns, see parts of Australia most wouldn’t otherwise visit, and the best bit is supporting Aussie kids to get a fair go.

They visit schools along the way and donate much-needed items and equipment so we can see how our hard work and fundraising is making a difference.

Our Bashers spread joy everywhere they go and they encourage you to pick a theme to dress up yourself and your car. It’s a sight to see as we roll into towns with everything from Scooby Doo, Superheroes and Princess Leia travelling with us.

They have recently changed our car year entry to 30 years and older which will now allow plenty more makes to join us!

Check out the highlights from the 2017 Variety NSW Bash to give you an idea of the adventure you’ll be in for.

Check the full program here and at the bottom of the page, you will find instructions on How to Donate and become an Everyday Hero for these beautiful children in needs

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